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Filtered and aggregated news platform.
NOOZ.AI is a cutting-edge AI-powered tool that offers the most recent news sorted by their latest updates, covering various news niches, including world news, politics, sports, and entertainment. The homepage showcases a comprehensive list of the latest news stories, each accompanied by a NOOZSCORE, which gauges its influence level on its respective topic. NOOZSCORE is computed based on several metrics, such as sentiment analysis, propaganda analysis, opinion analysis, revision analysis, and ghost edits. 

Users can quickly filter news stories by selecting specific categories or sorting them by influence level or the past day. The tool also features a powerful search bar that enables users to find specific news stories or topics quickly. For users who prefer to access news on their smartphones, NOOZ.AI offers a user-friendly mobile app. Additionally, the tool provides links to social media platforms, including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok.

NOOZ.AI caters to individuals who need to stay updated with the latest news across various categories. Using advanced AI technology, the tool ranks news stories and offers users the most influential and relevant pieces. Best of all, NOOZ.AI is entirely free to access, and users do not need to create an account to use the platform. Stay informed with NOOZ.AI.



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Published March 27, 2023
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