
Data analytics 0 users


Enterprise data insights and dashboard generation.
Olli is an AI platform designed for enterprise-level businesses that need to access and utilize data stacks for faster, data-driven decision-making. The platform offers customized dashboards and insights that are easy to use for non-technical users. Olli is deployed on the user's infrastructure and offers a flexible and secure architecture that provides control over data access. With Olli, users can get quick answers to their data queries without delays or waiting times. Olli generates specific insights for each user role, ensuring that every team in the business receives unique insights required for their tasks. The platform generates charts that can be exported to other tools quickly, making it easy to share information across teams. Olli guarantees enterprise-grade security through its private network and secure data access controls, providing users with a platform they can trust. By utilizing Olli's AI platform, businesses can optimize their data for diverse needs, and team members can generate dashboards and find answers to data queries without extensive technical knowledge.



Published January 20, 2023
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