
Landing pages 0 users


Speedy page making with various custom options.
PageGenie is an exceptional platform that enables effortless conversion of product concepts into fully-functional landing pages. AI-generated features such as image galleries, FAQs, and a comprehensive list of unique benefits of your product make this possible. With PageGenie, subscribers can stay up-to-date with the latest features and updates while enjoying personalized support.

PageGenie has a unique feature that generates banner and video ads to complement the landing pages. The platform also allows for the integration of Shopify and Figma projects, providing more versatility. Users can conveniently login using their Google credentials to create and personalize their pages with drag-and-drop widgets.

PageGenie is still in its prototype phase, and subscribers can receive daily updates with newly-generated product ideas and landing pages. Overall, PageGenie is an innovative tool that offers a wide range of features to create landing pages effortlessly and efficiently with minimal effort. Experience a hassle-free page creation process with PageGenie today!



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Published March 5, 2023
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