Parsers VC

Fundraising 0 users


Assisted company info search and trend prediction.
Parsers VC provides a powerful tool for finding information about any company, including details on startup funding rounds, active venture capitalists (VCs), company valuations, and the LinkedIn and email information of team founders and partners. The tool is easily accessible through its dashboard, which includes VC firm and startup tabs. Parsers VC also offers an API and an informative blog, as well as a unique Predictive Investments AI tool that predicts funding rounds based on startup or VC website activity. The user-friendly interface is regularly updated with data from Parsers VC's vast database of companies. Although it's unclear what sources are used to collect and verify the data, the tool provides valuable insights for tracking investment trends in startups and VCs. Pricing for Parsers VC is not mentioned, but a sign-up and log-in option suggests that registration may be required to access the tool's full functionality. Overall, Parsers VC is a must-have tool for anyone seeking comprehensive information on companies and investment trends.



Price From $19/mo
Published May 19, 2021
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