
Patent applications 0 users


Automated patent drafting language generation.
PatentPal is an innovative language generation tool designed for automating mechanical writing of intellectual property applications. This user-friendly tool simplifies the patent drafting process, enabling users to easily create patent applications with just one click. By simply dropping a document into the browser, users can input their claims and generate spec and figures in a hassle-free way. PatentPal allows users to export the generated draft into Word and Visio, or PowerPoint. 

One of the significant benefits of PatentPal is its ability to create flowcharts for methods, block diagrams for systems and devices, and detailed descriptions of generated figures. It also generates an abstract and summary to support all claims. Users can customize the generated phrases according to their own preferences and instantly switch between multiple profiles. 

PatentPal has been highly appreciated by its customers for its time-saving capabilities and the ability to generate robust patent applications quickly. Some users have reported that it only took 9 months to approve and issue a patent after using the tool. PatentPal is an excellent tool for anyone who wants to create high-quality patent applications with ease.



Published January 3, 2022
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