
Note-taking 0 users


Concise meeting notes with clear data.
Paxo is a state-of-the-art AI-powered meeting notes tool that streamlines the process of creating concise, actionable meeting notes. This user-friendly app is ideal for face-to-face conversations and can be accessed on any device. With advanced voice recognition technology, Paxo can detect speakers and tag them for future reference. The app prioritizes user privacy by storing recordings locally and deleting them once processed. Paxo also enables easy import and export of notes and recordings, avoiding data lock-in. The app uses iCloud to sync recordings across all devices, making them easy to organize, search, and share. Moreover, Paxo frequently updates its software, enhancing its features and capabilities. The app is widely used in various fields, such as student research, journalism, user interviews, customer discovery, and startup meetings. Download Paxo now to never miss a crucial detail from your meetings again.



Published January 13, 2023
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