Persana AI

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Boost sales with insights, leads and outreach.
Persana AI is a powerful AI tool that can help businesses improve their sales productivity. It does this by identifying qualified leads, extracting customer insights, and sending personalized outreach at scale. By leveraging historical email campaign data, CRM and internal data, and publicly available data points, Persana AI builds holistic customer profiles, which are fine-tuned to help the sales team focus on selling instead of cumbersome tasks.

Using hyper-personalized AI technology, Persana AI enables businesses to identify the most promising prospects and ripe opportunities, maximizing the sales team's productivity. The tool sends faster notifications to the team whenever there is an intent signal, such as when a lead visits the company website or gets funding, allowing businesses to convert them at the right time.

Persana AI also consolidates data from different sales tools into an easy-to-use format, making it faster to get answers to questions without creating complicated reports. As a result, the tool helps businesses close more deals easily and quickly. Moreover, Persana AI has an API and Integrations that allow businesses to get a holistic view of the customer, and data-driven personalization helps in converting better.

Overall, Persana AI is an excellent AI tool that can enhance sales productivity for businesses looking to use AI technology. With its features and benefits, businesses can improve their sales process, increase conversions, and grow their customer base.



Published March 4, 2023
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