
Email writing 0 users


Cold email automation for businesses.
Looking for a powerful cold email automation tool to enhance your business's outbound communication? Look no further than Pipl.ai! Our all-in-one suite of features streamlines the process and improves effectiveness. 

With Pipl.ai, you can connect unlimited inboxes and enjoy free warm-up for all your accounts. Our built-in email validation and data cleansing ensures your emails land in the right inbox every time. Plus, our AI-powered sequence and template writer saves you time while increasing your success rates.

Our tool also includes features such as custom personalization fields, automated GIF, IMG, and video personalization, AI-copywriting assistance, and more. This comprehensive suite of features is designed to help your business land new clients, increase your bottom line, scale your outbound campaigns, secure industry partnerships, and find investors for your next funding round.

With Pipl.ai, you'll save time, increase your efficiency, and improve your ROI. Don't settle for less – choose Pipl.ai for your cold email automation needs today!



Published December 7, 2022
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