
Music playlists 0 users


App that generates music playlists.
Looking for a free app that can help you create the perfect playlist for Spotify and Apple Music? Look no further than PlaylistAI! Our advanced AI technology, powered by ChatGPT (formerly known as LineupSupply), allows users to input prompts like "Early 2000's pop music" or "Playing board games on a rainy day" and generates the perfect mix.

Not only can PlaylistAI turn music festival posters into Spotify playlists, but it can also create playlists from TikTok videos and other videos. Plus, you can even create your own music festival lineup using your top listened-to artists from the past 1, 6, or 12 months.

Created by Brett Bauman, PlaylistAI is available for download on the Apple App Store. Try it today and discover the ultimate playlist-making experience!



Published January 11, 2023
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