
Building AI apps 0 users


Enables no-code app creation.
Prisms is a cutting-edge no-code platform that empowers users to create sophisticated AI-powered applications effortlessly. The platform leverages state-of-the-art language models like GPT3, DALL-E, and Stable Diffusion to enable users to connect multiple data sources and user inputs swiftly.

With Prisms, users can deploy AI-powered applications with ease, thanks to its pre-built UI. Alternatively, they can use Prisms as a backend for customized AI logic. Whether it's watching a captivating animal sunset, generating a grassroots newsletter, or crafting a compelling cover letter, Prisms can help users create a wide array of applications.

Moreover, Prisms allows users to create even more intricate applications such as employee performance reviews or ski package introduction emails. The platform is slated to launch in 2023, and interested users can join the waitlist now to stay updated.



Published January 17, 2023
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