Puzzle Labs

Product glossaries 0 users


Information simplification for product.
Introducing Puzzle Labs - a cutting-edge AI-driven glossary tool that streamlines complex information for businesses, making it easier for their customers to comprehend. The user-friendly tool enables seamless connectivity of documents and blog posts with critical concepts in just three steps - import content, create a smart glossary, and publish the Puzzle Widget. What's more, the widget stays updated automatically with new concepts, facilitating effortless customer onboarding and education. 

Puzzle Labs offers a range of tools that empower businesses to create a superior customer education experience, ensuring that customers learn from the company and not search engines. The tool is compatible with different content formats, including WordPress, Medium, HTML, and Markdown, providing unmatched flexibility. Try it for free today and choose from various pricing plans to discover how Puzzle Labs can take your business to the next level.



Price From $19/glossary/month
Published January 12, 2023
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