Raycast AI

ChatGPT on Macs 0 users


Automated productivity assistant for Mac.
Looking for a productivity tool to streamline your Mac experience? Raycast AI is a powerful AI-powered solution that can help you work more efficiently. With Raycast AI, you can automate mundane tasks, gain contextual insights, and speed up your workflow.

Some of the standout features of Raycast AI include ChatGPT, which lets you talk to the AI seamlessly, AI command creation to accelerate tasks, and API integration to boost extension intelligence. Currently in beta, Raycast AI offers free access to all AI features, and the waitlist allows controlled rollout of the product. The website also has a FAQ section that answers frequently asked questions.

Users can also join the Raycast AI Slack Community to shape the product and stay up-to-date on the latest news and updates through the newsletter. If you're looking for a way to increase productivity and work smarter, Raycast AI is the perfect tool for you.



Published February 22, 2023
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