
Longevity measuring 0 users


Track and incentivize longevity research.
Rejuve is a decentralized AI-powered network that focuses on promoting longevity research by establishing a community of researchers, clinics, and data contributors. Members can earn money by sharing their health data and supporting groundbreaking discoveries in the fight against aging. The network provides affordable and accessible longevity therapies by allowing members to earn RJV tokens that can be used for discounts on supplements, medical tests, therapies, and more. Rejuve's Longevity App helps users to monitor and improve their lifespan and healthspan. The network incorporates various AI tools such as the OpenCog Hyperon AGI engine, which facilitates the emergence of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Furthermore, their Bayesian Expert probabilistic logic Bayesian net service streamlines the process of creating Bayesian networks based on expert rules and statistics directly from medical literature. Additionally, their Generative Cooperative Network (GCN) is a deep neural embedding framework that combines multiple neural architectures to create embedding vectors representing aspects of each member's profile. Rejuve collaborates with various organizations such as SingularityNET Foundation, Cryptopia Group, and Tru Diagnostic, among others. The network is supported by a team of experts, including Jasmine Smith as CEO, Dr. Deborah Duong as CTO, and Dr. Ben Goertzel as Chief AI Scientist. Join Rejuve today to contribute to the longevity research and earn rewards.



Published March 5, 2022
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