Relume Ipsum

Website building 0 users


Created website copy using automation for designers.
Relume Ipsum is an innovative Figma plugin that utilizes cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) technology to provide designers and developers with quick and effortless access to authentic website copy. By leveraging GPT-3 and a special proprietary blend, this plugin can produce customized content based on a brief description of your company, all without ever having to leave the Figma platform. With a 2000-word trial plan available to new users, and several subscription-based pricing plans offering the option to generate anywhere from 10000 to 50000 words per month, Relume Ipsum provides unbeatable value. The best part? The content created by Relume Ipsum is completely unique, never copied from other websites, and suitable for commercial use. Whether you need copy for a corporate website, an e-commerce site, or a blog, Relume Ipsum has got you covered. Simply choose a Frame or Text Layer in Figma, fill in the details of your company, and click "generate" to get started. Of course, the quality and specificity of your company description will play a role in the accuracy of the generated content, so Relume Ipsum encourages users to provide a polished and detailed description for optimal results. With the Relume Ipsum Figma kit, users can expect top-notch content generation that saves time and money for small businesses and startups without the resources to hire a professional copywriter.



Published March 14, 2023
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