
Resumes 0 users


Tailor resumes to job reqs with suggested templates.
Resoume is an advanced AI-powered tool that offers professional resume and website creation with pre-designed templates. The tool provides tailored recommendations for improvement based on the job description, resulting in a score that optimizes the document for specific job requirements. With the aim of streamlining the process of resume creation, Resoume ensures that resumes are compatible with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), which analyze resumes for candidate selection.

This user-friendly tool features a step-by-step approach that simplifies the creation of resumes and websites, making them easy to customize according to individual preferences. Resoume supports nine languages, making it a versatile option for creating resumes in multiple languages. Moreover, it allows for the import of data from LinkedIn for automatic completion of personal details, saving users valuable time.

Resoume offers lifetime deals for individuals with personal accounts and is also available as a white-label solution for businesses. With Resoume, users can create professional and effective resumes and websites that project a polished online image. Overall, Resoume is a highly customizable and easy-to-use tool that enables users to create impressive resumes and websites.



Published February 19, 2022
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