
Customer interview analysis 0 users


Automated customer feedback analysis from surveys.
RhetorAI is a cutting-edge AI-driven solution that helps you collect valuable feedback from conversational user surveys. By automatically generating follow-up questions based on users' input, this tool provides in-depth insights with minimal effort.

With RhetorAI, you can conduct hundreds of interviews daily, and all interview transcripts are stored permanently for future reference. The tool highlights and summarizes the most important insights from your interviews, enabling you to focus on what truly matters.

Whether you need to test price sensitivity, evaluate product stickiness, prioritize features, gather design feedback, understand the user journey, or uncover unexpected use cases, RhetorAI can help. It supplements other data-gathering and analytics tools by providing a deeper understanding of the underlying reasons behind the data.

One of the best things about RhetorAI is that it eliminates the need to craft perfect questions. The tool is trained to ask expert follow-up questions that reveal the most valuable insights. Ultimately, RhetorAI streamlines the process of user interviews and helps you identify customers' deepest motivations and pain points, accelerating product-market fit.



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Published February 23, 2023
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