
ChatGPT for Visual Studio 0 users


Visual Studio Code's code assistant.
Rubberduck - An AI-powered Visual Studio Code extension for faster and more accurate coding

Rubberduck is a powerful Visual Studio Code extension that leverages the latest AI technology to help developers code faster and more accurately. With Rubberduck, developers can generate code, explain code, generate tests, find bugs, diagnose errors, and even create custom conversation templates - all through an intuitive and user-friendly interface.

To get started with Rubberduck, users simply need to sign up for an OpenAI API key, which can be entered with the Rubberduck: Enter OpenAI API key command. Once set up, developers can take advantage of the AI Chat feature to ask questions about their code and software development topics. This feature can be accessed through various options, such as the command palette, editor context menu, keyboard shortcuts, or even the MacOS touch bar (if available).

Rubberduck's powerful capabilities include the ability to generate code, edit code, explain code, generate tests, find bugs, diagnose errors, and more. All of these features can be easily accessed through the command palette, context menu, or keyboard shortcuts. Additionally, developers can create their own conversation templates in the .rubberduck/template folder, allowing them to tailor their AI chats to their own conventions and language.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, Rubberduck is a must-have tool for faster and more accurate coding. So why wait? Download Rubberduck today and take your coding skills to the next level!



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Published January 26, 2023
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