
Scientific article summaries 0 users


Cutting-edge scientific articles summarization.
SciSummary is an innovative AI-powered summarization tool that simplifies the process of comprehending scientific articles. Its cutting-edge technology allows users to grasp complex scientific concepts quickly and accurately without reading the full text. Whether you prefer sending an email, attaching a PDF, or sharing a link, SciSummary provides a speedy summary of the content in your inbox within minutes. The platform is supported by a state-of-the-art GPT-3 model that adapts and improves over time with the assistance of a team of PhD experts who analyze requested summaries and guide the model's training. As it is currently in a public beta phase, users are encouraged to rate their summaries for optimal performance. Founded in 2023, SciSummary's primary goal is to simplify the digestion of scientific articles.



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Published January 20, 2023
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