
Academic research 0 users


Analyzed scientific research paper discovery.
Semantic Scholar is an exceptional research tool that utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) to aggregate scientific literature from various fields, including nanotechnology and moral reasoning. With its AI and engineering capabilities, Semantic Scholar can comprehend the semantics of research papers, aiding scholars in discovering relevant publications. The platform boasts an archive of over 211 million papers, with a beta program called Semantic Reader that provides an augmented reading experience, increasing accessibility and enriching scientific literature. Semantic Scholar also offers an updated API for developers, improving search capabilities and providing better documentation and stability. The Allen Institute for AI developed Semantic Scholar, with a focus on enhancing efficiency in AI research while decreasing carbon footprint and increasing inclusivity. Scholars who sign up with Semantic Scholar can receive alerts about relevant papers and updates about new features and releases. The platform is open to publishers who want to contribute their research, and the Semantic Scholar team comprises a group of expert researchers. The platform also offers a comprehensive FAQ section and tutorials to help users explore its full range of capabilities. Overall, Semantic Scholar is an indispensable research tool that harnesses the power of AI to help scholars discover relevant scientific publications.



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Published May 6, 2020
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