Sharly AI

Document Q&A 0 users


A document summarization and Q&A productivity aid.
Sharly AI is an innovative productivity tool that utilizes advanced generative AI technology to assist professionals in saving valuable time when analyzing long documents. This cutting-edge tool is equipped with state-of-the-art language models, making it an ideal solution for simplifying complex long documents through the use of natural language processing.

By providing accurate and relevant answers to questions asked about the document, Sharly AI can help users save up to 10 times the amount of time they would have spent otherwise. The tool boasts an intuitive interface that is user-friendly and straightforward, enabling users to upload the document they want to understand, ask questions, and receive related answers promptly.

Sharly AI's impressive accuracy rate of 95% on chat with GPT is a testament to its reliability and effectiveness. Users can also share their work privately with their peers, making collaboration and feedback seamless and convenient.

This AI-powered tool is ideal for various fields, including market research and financial reporting, and is designed with ease-of-use in mind. The company emphasizes its commitment to improving productivity, and Sharly AI is an excellent example of how cutting-edge technology can streamline workflow and boost efficiency.

In summary, Sharly AI is an innovative and powerful productivity tool that can help professionals efficiently navigate lengthy documents while saving valuable time. Its advanced features and user-friendly design make it a valuable asset in any workplace, and its ability to deliver accurate results is second to none.



Published March 13, 2023
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