
Email writing 0 users


Automated email writing and summarization.
SimpleMail is a revolutionary email tool that harnesses the power of AI to simplify and streamline the email writing process, freeing up valuable time for users. With the ability to generate emails in seconds from just a few key points and distill lengthy messages into brief, concise notes, SimpleMail is a game-changer for busy professionals. Plus, the tool's AI reply function allows users to select from positive, negative, or neutral options, and then automatically generates an email response tailored to the chosen tone and the content of the received message.

While SimpleMail doesn't currently integrate with Outlook, it is available as a convenient Chrome extension for Gmail users. And coming soon in 2023, SimpleMail will also be available as a stand-alone app for even greater ease of use.

During its Open Beta period, SimpleMail is completely free to use, with plans to offer a small monthly fee once the beta testing is complete. Whether you're looking to streamline your workflow, improve communication, or simply save time, SimpleMail promises to be the all-in-one solution you've been waiting for.



Published February 23, 2023
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