
Skin cancer detection 0 users


Detect early skin cancer with image analysis.
The React App is a web application that employs the create-react-app tool to facilitate early detection of skin cancer through its advanced AI Dermatologist feature. The AI Dermatologist employs a combination of GPT-4 and computer vision technologies to detect any presence of malignant or benign moles in user-uploaded pictures. With statistics showing that one in five Americans will develop skin cancer, and melanoma being the deadliest type, early screening is of paramount importance. The React App's AI Dermatologist feature provides a reliable and accessible tool for early detection of skin cancer, with a high survival rate of 99% if caught early. Users can take necessary precautions or seek medical attention immediately upon detection of any problematic mole. Overall, the React App's AI Dermatologist feature is an essential tool in the early detection of skin cancer, given its high prevalence and potential risks.



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Published March 30, 2023
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