
Team management 0 users


Task and software productivity insights in real-time.
Socratic is an AI-driven tool that offers real-time insights and productivity intelligence for software development and task management. It empowers teams to monitor their progress and the health of their work instantly, helping them identify areas that require attention and the reasons behind them. With Socratic, teams can gain a clear view of their capacity, allowing them to manage workloads effectively and deliver more efficiently.

Socratic eliminates the guesswork out of project deadlines by providing an intelligent forecast based on a rich historical record. This feature saves teams the hassle of manually estimating project durations. The tool integrates with Git to automate workflows and provide a comprehensive view of code activity and history across all relevant repositories, including trends in time to review and merge.

Moreover, Socratic enables teams to answer critical questions related to their work, such as whether priorities are on track, where time is being spent, and how they can improve. It also offers prescriptive, actionable intelligence out of the box to help product and engineering teams work better continuously.

Socratic is flexible and comes with built-in trend features, allowing teams to organize their work and objectives according to their specific requirements. It offers teams the flexibility to slice and dice their data in any way they want. Socratic is a trusted tool, used by many top teams, and it's now available to everyone. Overall, Socratic is a powerful tool that helps teams work better, easier, and faster, from ideation to working software.



Price Free + from $10/user/mo
Published October 21, 2021
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