Soon Pulse

Employee feedback 0 users


Efficient employee feedback gathering and analysis.
Soon Pulse is a cutting-edge AI-powered tool designed to assist businesses in gathering and analyzing employee feedback in a seamless manner. The platform provides pre-designed templates and customizable questionnaires that aid in collecting targeted feedback from team members. Additionally, Soon Pulse generates comprehensive reports using advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology and prompt responses at the end of each shift.

The AI-generated report is inclusive of a detailed summary of employee feedback and applies sentiment analysis to comprehend the emotional tone of the responses. The tool is adept at tracking Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure team performance efficiency and effectiveness, and it provides data-driven insights for decision-making.

With Soon Pulse, businesses can streamline their feedback process, automate manual efforts, and ensure accuracy using NLP analysis for advanced insights. The platform encourages anonymous responses, promotes open and honest communication, and provides daily and weekly reports.

Soon Pulse offers both pre-built templates for common feedback questions and fully customizable questions and triggers to tailor the feedback process to meet specific needs. Employers can view individual responses to gain a deeper understanding of team feedback.

The ultimate aim of Soon Pulse is to revolutionize the way businesses collect and analyze employee feedback by employing AI technology to automate manual and time-consuming feedback processes. Moreover, it facilitates proactive mental health check-ins to improve employee well-being and enables managers to stay ahead of operational issues.



Price From $8/mo
Published March 31, 2023
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