
Audio to text 0 users


Efficient internal communication platform.
Soundbite is a cutting-edge AI-based solution that aims to enhance internal communication, making it more reliable, engaging, and time-efficient. It comes packed with a wide range of features, including the Soundbite Wizard, which quickly transforms audio and video content into blogs, social media posts, and summaries that are ready to edit within seconds. Soundbite is specifically designed to help communication professionals save time and resources while improving reach and engagement. Compared to traditional email and intranet communication channels, Soundbite is 98% more effective. Furthermore, Soundbite offers an omnichannel experience, allowing users to manage various channels and generate customized content for each. Employees are three times more likely to listen and read with Soundbite than search for articles or social posts on an intranet or employee communications app, thereby curbing information overload and allowing for more meaningful communication. Moreover, audiences are six times more likely to interact with content delivered via Soundbite than email. In summary, Soundbite is a comprehensive AI-driven internal communication solution that strives to make communication more efficient, trustworthy, and engaging by offering automated content creation and publishing, as well as the Soundbite Wizard, which transforms audio and video content into ready-to-edit blogs, social media posts, and summaries in seconds.



Published January 7, 2023
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