
Source referencing 0 users


Source literature for academic research.
Sourcely is a web application powered by AI that utilizes advanced natural language processing techniques to locate and extract relevant literature based on the user's input. This platform simplifies the process of gathering information from multiple sources, making it ideal for busy students, researchers, and professionals who require extensive information for their projects. The service is user-friendly and accessible to everyone, offering source filtering options based on year of publication, minimum citations, and more. Sourcely provides a range of pricing options, including a free basic plan with limited capabilities, as well as paid plans with more comprehensive services. 

Sourcely's unique advantage lies in its ability to comprehend the context of the user's text and discover related sources with the greatest relevance and credibility. While the service is currently only available in English, Sourcely's AI is continuously improving its algorithms to deliver the most accurate and pertinent sources to its users. Sourcely is created by a small business founded by college students who have firsthand experience with the challenges of academic writing and journalism, particularly when it comes to referencing sources. As a result, the platform aims to provide exceptional customer service and a top-quality product, continually updating and enhancing Sourcely to fulfill the evolving needs of its users.



Published January 24, 2023
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