
Music creation 0 users


Produced music and lyrics using machine learning.
Staccato is an innovative company that provides AI-powered tools for music and lyrics composition, helping artists overcome writer's block and find new inspiration. With Staccato, musicians and lyricists can explore new ways to compose by utilizing cutting-edge technology.

Staccato's AI-powered tools for music composition and lyrics writing are designed to help users generate new music and lyrics in a matter of seconds. With its DAW integration feature, Staccato seamlessly integrates with existing digital audio workstations, making it easy for users to incorporate their generated music into their existing projects.

For music composition, Staccato allows users to upload MIDI files and adjust various parameters to generate new music in the same key, style, and mood. For lyrics writing, users can provide keywords or a mood, and Staccato will generate lyrics that match the desired theme or emotion.

Staccato also offers a three-month free trial of its premium features, allowing users to test out the full capabilities of the platform. Additionally, users can participate in a fun game where they guess whether the music they're hearing was created by a human or Staccato's AI. Those who participate and comment will receive a discount on Staccato's services.

In summary, Staccato is an exceptional tool that helps musicians and lyricists overcome creative blocks and explore new ways to compose using advanced AI-powered tools.



Published March 8, 2022
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