
Email lists 0 users


Email lead generation platform for businesses.
Stride is an efficient AI-powered email lead generation platform that helps businesses boost conversions by providing high-quality leads. Stride leverages its AI technology to scan various social media platforms daily, locating new followers and their email addresses. Unlike its competitors, Stride uses a combination of techniques, including behavioral analysis, IP address analysis, and content analysis to filter out bot accounts, ensuring that the data is trustworthy and accurate.

To make it easy for businesses to import the email lists, Stride provides them in CSV file format, which can be integrated seamlessly into email marketing software or CRM. Stride offers two different tools, the scanner tool and the audit tool, to capture the email addresses of new followers and generate large email lists from the current followers of the social media page.

Stride delivers high-quality personal and business leads, including emails, ensuring the quality of the leads provided. It can be beneficial for various purposes such as e-commerce sales, newsletter building, event planning, cryptocurrency projects, affiliate marketing, high-risk industries, digital services, or personal branding. Stride is compatible with various advertising platforms such as Facebook Custom Audience, Google Customer Match, Twitter Custom Audiences, or LinkedIn Contact Targeting.

To gain access to this powerful platform, interested parties can easily contact Stride. Choose Stride for effective lead generation and witness an increase in conversions for your business.



Published March 4, 2023
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