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Customizable app creation platform.
Sttabot is a cutting-edge no-code AI application development platform that empowers users to create and launch their own AI-powered apps on the web without requiring any coding skills. With Sttabot, users can easily turn prompts into customized, ChatGPt-like AI apps, and publish them online within seconds. This platform comes with powerful tools for customer segmentation, broadcasts, and integrations, making it ideal for businesses looking to integrate AI into their operations.

Sttabot is designed to save users time and increase productivity, thanks to its simple three-step process. Users can describe their desired AI, customize the look and feel of their app, and launch it in no time. The platform offers three pricing plans to suit different budgets and team sizes, starting with a free plan that includes unlimited pages and templates, and up to five guests.

Trusted by more than 200 top global firms, startups, and builders, Sttabot offers a gamma test program that provides early access to its latest features. Additionally, users can access essential resources such as whitepapers, Crunchbase profiles, and Pitchbook profiles, making it an attractive platform for AI enthusiasts and professionals alike. If you're looking to create AI-powered apps without coding, Sttabot is the platform for you.



Published March 28, 2023
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