TaskMatrix.AI by Microsoft

Task automation 0 users


API platform for diverse tasks.
TaskMatrix.AI is an AI ecosystem that connects foundation models with millions of APIs for task completion. The Visual-ChatGPT is an official repository of this ecosystem, showcasing how it can be applied to the visual domain. This new paradigm shift in AI development leverages existing foundation models and APIs of other AI models and systems as sub-task solvers to achieve diversified tasks in both digital and physical domains. 

Unlike previous work that aimed to improve a single AI model, TaskMatrix.AI provides a central system for researchers and developers to create diverse AI applications. The associated paper is available on arXiv.org, and an online system is currently being developed and expected to be launched in the future. 

The GitHub repository is accessible to the AI directory and offers code and resources for Visual-ChatGPT and the broader TaskMatrix.AI ecosystem. By reviewing the documentation, code issues, pull requests, and contributions in the repository, users can gain a deeper understanding of the functionality and capabilities of TaskMatrix.AI. This tool has the potential to enable new levels of innovation in both digital and physical domains.



Published March 30, 2023
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