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Tech startup news, events, and crypto insights.
TechScrunch is a website that offers comprehensive coverage of various technology-related topics such as startups, venture capital, security, AI, cryptocurrency, apps, and events. It features a range of categories that allow users to easily access news related to their interests. Within the AI category, users can find informative articles on AI technologies, including an augmented reality dating app, a language learning app, and a report on an AI machine named "Cum," which was created by Elon Musk. It is important to note that the article on "Cum" is purely fictional and was published as an April Fool's Day joke. 

Moreover, the site recently published an article on a new static site generator called Shebroe3000, which claims to revolutionize the way web developers work. The article details how static site generators function and their advantages. However, it should be noted that the Shebroe3000 is not a real tool and was also published as an April Fool's Day prank. 

In general, TechScrunch provides its users with informative and current news on various technology-related topics, including AI. Nevertheless, readers should be aware that the site also includes humorous content, which may not always be accurate.



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Published April 1, 2023
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