
Task tracking 0 users


An app that categorizes and logs productivity.
Looking for a productivity app that can help you stay focused and organized? TimeMaster is the perfect solution for you! Our AI-powered app is designed to help you maximize your productivity by automatically detecting your work activities, categorizing your tasks, and tracking your time logs. With TimeMaster, you can take control of your schedule, set and track goals, and receive notifications when you're overworking or distracted.

We take your privacy seriously, which is why all your data is stored exclusively on your local device and encrypted for extra security. Our app also provides detailed weekly and monthly reports to help you gain insights into your work-life balance. With TimeMaster, you can discover your most productive hours, identify your top distractions, and optimize your productivity for improved well-being.

Our app offers a range of advanced features, including in-depth analysis of work habits, auto project overviews, auto time logs, and focus and distraction metrics. To get started, simply download TimeMaster for free and start using our limited features. If you want access to all our advanced features, you can upgrade to a premium plan. Try TimeMaster today and see how it can help you boost your productivity!



Price Free + from $9/mo
Published September 1, 2022
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