
Coding challenges 0 users


Story-based coding exercises.
Turing.School offers an innovative exercise platform that leverages AI to create personalized coding exercises based on selected story backgrounds. With the platform, users can select from a variety of genres including sci-fi, horror, magic, or comedy, and create coding exercises by inputting keywords or their own starting points. The AI then generates exercises based on the provided inputs. For example, a user can create an exercise to help a small town fight a zombie outbreak by creating a list of weapons and assigning each resident a weapon and a zombie to defend against. 

In addition, the platform features an AI tutor that answers questions about the exercise, eliminating the need to wait for human assistance. Users can also subscribe to the Turing.School newsletter to stay up-to-date with the latest news and deals. 

Overall, Turing.School's AI-powered exercise platform offers an enjoyable and creative learning experience for those looking to enhance their coding skills. The personalized story backgrounds and interactive AI technology make this platform a valuable tool for anyone interested in improving their coding abilities.



Published March 24, 2023
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