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Automate SMS scheduling with personality customization.
TxtGenie AI is a highly efficient tool powered by artificial intelligence that enables you to automate and schedule SMS text messages. This cutting-edge tool offers a unique feature that lets you customize the tone and style of your messages, allowing you to choose specific personalities, including fictional characters, as your source of inspiration. TxtGenie AI's advanced automation feature automatically schedules messages based on your input and contact list. It uses data analysis to determine the best time to send each message, eliminating the need for manual calculations.

In addition to its messaging features, TxtGenie AI helps you plan and schedule activities by providing access to your calendar and preferred activity categories. This powerful tool then organizes exciting outings for you, sending you reminders and invitations to keep you on track. TxtGenie AI measures success by milestones, which you can identify before starting a conversation. It optimizes response suggestions based on your goals and uses this data to improve future conversations.

TxtGenie AI is an indispensable tool for businesses, individuals, and organizations that frequently send bulk SMS messages. It allows for message customization and scheduling automation, freeing up valuable time and resources. Invest in TxtGenie AI today and experience the convenience and efficiency it offers firsthand!



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Published March 7, 2023
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