
Content generation 0 users


Automated written content creation app.
Typeface is an advanced AI tool that empowers businesses to produce exceptional content at lightning-fast speeds. With its four key features: Prompt, Flow, Blend, and Safe, Typeface enables users to create engaging content in mere seconds by simply describing their ideas. The tool provides an array of curated content that users can ideate and edit within the same visual canvas, making content creation effortless and seamless.

With Flow, users can easily choose a template or create their own with just a few clicks, allowing them to customize the tool to fit seamlessly into their natural workflow. Blend provides users with personalized branding elements that help them tailor their content to their brand and audience, including assets, audience settings, and tone of voice.

Finally, Safe ensures brand safety and control by upholding high standards around safety governance and trust. Users can control their brand representation and ensure that their values are always reflected, making Typeface an enterprise-grade tool that enables everyone to express their unique imagination. Sign-up is required to access this amazing tool.



Published February 27, 2023
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