
Video transcription 0 users


Offline transcription app for video and audio files.
Looking for a reliable and affordable offline transcription service? Look no further than Vid2txt! Our video and audio transcription app is designed to provide fast and accurate transcriptions for a variety of file formats, including mp4, mov, wmv, mkv, avi, flv, wav, mp3, and m4a. 

At Vid2txt, we believe that simplicity is key. That's why our tool focuses on doing one thing exceptionally well: transcription. Our user-friendly interface makes it easy for you to drag and drop your video or audio file and receive a .TXT, .SRT, and .VTT file in just a few minutes.

One of the biggest advantages of Vid2txt is that it's a one-time payment with no subscription or quota requirements. This makes it an ideal choice for a variety of industries, including content creators, journalists, researchers, students, business professionals, and the hearing-impaired.

With Vid2txt, you can quickly and easily convert recorded lectures and other content into searchable, editable text. This boosts productivity and saves you time, allowing you to focus on other important tasks.

Our service is also perfect for those who are hard-of-hearing. We provide accurate and readable transcripts of favorite shows, movies, and podcasts, helping everyone stay connected and informed.

Looking to the future, we plan to expand our service by adding more operating systems and languages based on consumer demand. Choose Vid2txt for fast, accurate, and affordable offline transcription services today!



Published February 23, 2023
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