Wallet AI

Expense & income tracking 0 users


Intelligence-based insights for financial advice.
Wallet.AI is a San Francisco-based company dedicated to empowering individuals with intelligent engines that enhance their financial decision-making process. The company utilizes advanced AI technology to analyze millions of data points and provide users with location-based financial advice. Their primary objective is to enhance customer analytics service for banks and capital markets, especially in personal finance.

Wallet.AI's intelligent machines offer users real-time insights into their financial behavior and recommend better options for their daily financial decisions. The company has been featured in reputable media outlets such as NPR, Wired, and Institutional Investor, with positive feedback for their exceptional work.

Through Wallet.AI's AI tool, users can monitor and quantify their finances, enabling them to make informed decisions. The company's website offers a request invite feature, giving users access to their intelligent engines. For developers and journalists seeking more information about Wallet.AI, the company invites them to reach out.

Overall, Wallet.AI's AI tool is a valuable resource for individuals looking to improve their daily financial decisions using advanced AI technology.



Published October 10, 2016
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