Wavel AI

Video voiceover & subtitles 0 users


Multilingual voiceovers & subtitles for videos.
Wavel is an exceptional platform that offers advanced text-to-speech voice solutions for video content localization. The platform supports over 20 languages and provides natural, clear, and accurate voiceovers with emotions and accents. Wavel's advanced features, including voice cloning, dubbing, and voiceover tools, make it easier for businesses and individuals to generate multilingual content effortlessly.

Wavel's subtitle generation and translation tools are also very helpful in creating engaging and accurate content that reaches a global audience. With Wavel's script and transcript editors, users can produce accessible captions and transcriptions with ease. Additionally, the platform provides video optimization tools like compressor, trimmer, resizer, rotator, and converter to help businesses and individuals create videos that suit different platforms and purposes.

Wavel's platform is user-friendly and has a wide range of applications, such as product demos, video ads, entertainment, social media, e-learning, travel, and more. Furthermore, users can contact Wavel's 24/7 live support team free of charge to get assistance with their queries.

In summary, Wavel is a valuable platform for creating multilingual and accessible voiceovers, subtitles, and captions for videos. It's a great tool for individuals and businesses looking to generate engaging and accurate content that reaches a global audience.



Price From $16/mo
Published March 7, 2023
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