
Job recruitment 0 users


Automated recruitment matching and integration.
Wade and Wendy is an innovative AI recruitment tool that streamlines the hiring process for recruiters by identifying relevant and interested job seekers. This chatbot system is powered by Wade, who is responsible for matching potential candidates to job descriptions, managing email marketing campaigns and chat conversations with applicants. Meanwhile, Wendy contacts job seekers from a database of 150 million talent profiles, promoting job listings and integrating seamlessly with existing applicant tracking systems (ATS).

Wade and Wendy offer a comprehensive suite of capabilities, including automated sourcing and engagement, job requisition marketing and distribution, role-specific screening and recommendations, coordination of scheduling and additional recruitment steps, and secure integration with other recruitment technology vendors. The tool is designed to reduce the noise and clutter of unfiltered pipelines by strategically promoting job listings to the right job boards and recommending talent for recruitment.

Moreover, Wade and Wendy have an internal development team that can support companies' integration requirements, making it easy to implement the tool into existing workflows. The platform also provides resources such as blog posts, updates, and a contact page, as well as the opportunity for interested applicants to request a demo and learn more about the tool's capabilities.

In summary, Wade and Wendy's AI technology provides a consolidated solution for recruiters to source and engage the best talent, leading to more informed hiring decisions. With its advanced capabilities and user-friendly interface, this recruitment tool is an essential addition to any company's hiring process.



Published May 13, 2020
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