Whisper Memos

Speech to text 0 users


Transcribed voice notes via mobile.
Introducing Whisper Memos - the revolutionary iOS app that utilizes OpenAI's latest Whisper technology to effortlessly transcribe your voice memos and send them to you via email within minutes. This innovative technology has been meticulously designed to ensure precision and reliability, ensuring that you receive accurate transcriptions every time.

To get started, simply download Whisper Memos from the App Store by scanning the QR code. It's easy to use and perfect for anyone who needs to quickly capture their thoughts - whether it's for a quick reminder or daily journaling.

With Whisper Memos, you can trust that your voice memos will be transcribed with unparalleled accuracy and delivered to you promptly. Download Whisper Memos today and experience the convenience of effortless voice transcription at your fingertips.



Published October 16, 2022
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