Wonder Dynamics

Character creation 0 users


A live-action scene with CG characters generator.
Wonder Studio is an innovative AI-powered tool that streamlines the process of animating, lighting, and compositing CG characters into live-action scenes. By simplifying complex 3D software and eliminating the need for expensive production hardware, Wonder Studio makes shot-by-shot work a thing of the past. With just a single upload of their CG character model, users can seamlessly integrate it into any scene, and the system automatically detects cuts and tracks the actor throughout the sequence using single-camera footage.

This cutting-edge tool automates up to 90% of "objective" VFX work, leaving artists free to focus on the remaining "subjective" aspects of their projects. Best of all, Wonder Studio is fully adaptive and can integrate seamlessly into any existing pipeline. With the ability to assign multiple characters, Wonder Studio allows users to create stunning sci-fi worlds effortlessly.

Wonder Studio is an easy-to-use tool that allows users to unleash their creative storytelling potential. The platform also features free characters from talented artists, and 3D artists can contact Wonder Studio to have their characters featured on the platform. With support from Samsung NEXT and Epic Games, Wonder Studio offers a seamless and automated process for creating impressive live-action scenes with CG characters.



Published March 8, 2023
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