
Database Q&A 0 users


DB generates Q&A bots, imports data, semantic search.
Xata is a top-notch serverless database platform that integrates the powerful ChatGPT from OpenAI. This cutting-edge technology helps to create Q&A bots that can provide answers to queries related to websites, applications, documentation, and knowledge bases. With Xata, users can enjoy the benefits of a fully-featured database that includes advanced search capabilities such as full-text and vector search tuning. Additionally, Xata offers a free-tier support plan that can handle up to 750K records and 15GB for free, including OpenAI API calls.

Integrating data into Xata is a breeze, thanks to its user-friendly interface and support for importing information from CSV files using Javascript, Typescript, or Python SDKs. Once data is imported, users can call the API to generate results. The search function is crucial for finding the best results, and Xata supports both keyword and semantic search by generating relevant keywords based on the question or finding relevant documents using vector similarity.

Configuring Xata's ChatGPT is simple and intuitive, allowing users to weigh columns and configure value boosters through its UI. Xata's serverless data platform is perfect for both developers and non-developers, as it provides a type-safe data layer and straightforward documentation. Moreover, Xata's free-tier plan and scalable infrastructure make it an excellent platform for businesses of all sizes. Try Xata today and experience the power of ChatGPT in a seamless and easy-to-use package.



Price Free + from $8/mo
Published March 2, 2023
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