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Personalized Q&A chatbot using language models.
xTuring is a remarkable open-source AI personalization library that simplifies the process of building and controlling large language models (LLMs). The library provides a simple interface that allows users to personalize models according to their application requirements and data sources. With xTuring, users can fine-tune LLMs using various approaches, generate datasets from their data sources, and evaluate modified models.

xTuring prioritizes efficiency, productivity, and customizability. The tool supports different models, including LLaMA, GPT-J, GPT-2, OPT, Cerebras-GPT, Galactica, and Bloom. Users can experiment with the tool in different playgrounds, including the UI Playground and CLI Playground.

The installation process of xTuring is straightforward using pip install, and the Quickstart guide makes it easy for users to get started. The tool is licensed under Apache 2.0 and has a supportive community on Discord and Twitter.

In terms of computation and memory, xTuring is highly efficient and offers agility and customizability. As an open-source tool, xTuring is available to anyone interested in trying it out or contributing to the project, making it an excellent option for developers looking for flexibility and customization when it comes to building LLMs. Try out xTuring today and see how it can enhance your AI personalization experience.



Published March 28, 2023
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