Chat Summary for LiveChat

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Summarized chat transcripts.
Introducing the Chat Summary app, a powerful AI tool created by SKlabs to streamline and speed up your chat transcript analysis process. With the help of OpenAI's advanced natural language processing technology, this app automatically generates concise summaries of your chat transcripts, allowing you to quickly grasp the most important parts without having to read through the entire conversation manually.

The Chat Summary app creates summaries automatically whenever a chat is archived, and you can also generate summaries manually from the app's Details section. A dedicated reports section provides access to all previously generated summaries, including chat ID, thread ID, chat transcript, and the number of tokens used for each summary.

To use the app, you'll need tokens, which determine the number of summaries you can generate. You'll receive 10k tokens upon installation, and if you run out, you can purchase more tokens. Best of all, the Chat Summary app is entirely free to install and use, making it an affordable and convenient choice.

Using cutting-edge natural language processing technology, this app is both efficient and accurate. It saves you time and effort while offering complete transparency and monitoring of your usage. Plus, it's constantly updated to reflect the latest advancements in natural language processing.

The Chat Summary app is trustworthy and easy to use, and you can quickly learn how to configure it with your LiveChat account using the app's tutorial and setup instructions. If you need help, have suggestions for improvements, or want to request new features, the SKlabs support team is always available to assist you. Try the Chat Summary app today and experience the benefits of automated chat transcript summarization for yourself!



Published March 27, 2023
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