Sidekick by Jigso

Q&A for businesses 0 users


Chatbot answering app queries using natural language.
Jigso's Sidekick is an AI-powered tool that utilizes natural language processing to provide users with quick and easy access to information across multiple apps. It is designed to help users save time and avoid the hassle of sifting through numerous notifications and searching through different apps for answers.

Sidekick allows users to ask questions in their own words without having to worry about specific keywords or syntax. This feature makes it intuitive and easy to use. Additionally, Sidekick seamlessly integrates with Slack, a popular workplace communication tool, enabling users to ask questions and receive answers without leaving the Slack interface.

Overall, Jigso's Sidekick is a valuable tool for individuals or teams who want to streamline their workflow and increase productivity. By enabling natural language queries and integrating with various apps, Sidekick makes it effortless for users to find the information they need quickly and efficiently.



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Published March 26, 2023
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